October 14, 2019

Jangan Pernah Berhenti Bermimpi

Bermula ketika saya kelas enam di Sekolah Dasar, waktu itu saya mengikuti dharmawisata kunjungan ke Keraton Jogjakarta. Pada saat itulah saya bertemu turis mancanegara untuk pertama kali. Takjub rasanya hati ini, sungguh Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa yang menciptakan manusia dengan berbeda beda. Sejak itu saya mulai bermimpi suatu saat semoga bisa mengunjungi atau tinggal sementara waktu di tempat yang jauh, jauh berbeda dengan tempat tinggal saat ini untuk melihat kekayaan Tuhan yang ada di dunia. Disamping itu peristiwa tersebut membuat saya menyenangi pelajaran bahasa asing, salah satunya Bahasa Inggris. Karena saya anggap itulah kunci pendukung agar cita cita berkunjung ke bagian dunia yang lain akan tercapai. Bahkan karena hal ini saya cukup beruntung karena di SMP dan SMA saya mendapat juara Pertama pidato Bahasa Inggris tingkat Kabupaten.

Waktu berlalu sampai akhirnya saya lulus Perguruan tinggi, rupanya banyak distraksi sehingga impian hijrah ke Luar Negeri tidak terpikir sama sekali. Kemudian saya baru teringat lagi saat menjalani masa tunggu mendapat pekerjaan, terlintas beberapa penyesalan “kenapa ya tidak saya persiapkan persyaratan jauh jauh sebelum lulus?” tetapi penyesalan itu cukup menjadi titik balik, kembali saya susun puzzle impian dan saya selalu doakan meminta petunjuk apakah keinginan ini hanya ego pribadi saja ataukah akan membawa kebaikan buat saya pribadi dan tentunya buat orang lain juga. Saya pun akhirnya mendapatkan pekerjaan dan jalan 2 tahun bekerja saya memutuskan untuk menikah. Sebelum menikah, sempat berdiskusi dengan orang tua dan calon mertua alhasil tidak mendapat dukungan untuk melanjutkan studi sebelum menikah, jadi saya meminta izin pada calon suami (saat itu) untuk menjadikan mimpi saya ini menjadi mimpi berdua. Walaupun suami saya belum tertarik untuk melanjutkan studi tetapi dia mendukung dan siap membantu saya mewujudkan cita cita ini.

Begitu banyak hambatan dalam pencapaian cita cita saya, misalnya bertempat tinggal di kota kecil  sehingga untuk mencari bimbingan belajar IELTS cukup menyulitkan saya, tetapi saya mengupayakan untuk terus praktik bahasa Inggris seperti saat mengerjakan paperwork di kantor dan menulis di artikel blog saya ini. Selain itu dalam kesibukan pekerjaan dan mengurus keluarga, tidak mudah mendapat kesempatan fokus mempersiapkan dan mencari kesempatan ke Luar Negeri untuk belajar. Dan sampai saatnya tiba, Tuhan memberi angin segar pada doa saya, Walaupun belum berkesempatan untuk mendapat beasiswa S-2 di luar Negeri tapi saya sangat bersyukur di tahun ini saya mendapat dua undangan ke Luar Negeri sekaligus. Di bulan Juli lalu saya berkesempatan mengikuti Youth Summer School 7-12 Juli 2019 di Chengdu provinsi Sichuan di RRT. Pada perjalanan itu saya dan suami sepakat untuk saya hanya berangkat sendiri karena selain pertimbangan biaya yaitu mempertimbangkan rencana kami untuk pergi bersama mengajak dua anak kami yang masih balita untuk memenuhi undangan kedua yaitu sebagai finalis project presenter di Youth Global Forum 2019 di Amsterdam Belanda 2 – 5 Desember 2019 mendatang (Alhamdulillaaahhh.....)

Grand Opening International Youth Summer School 2019
Foto Bersama Peserta dan Pendukung acara International Youth Summer School 2019

potongan undangan Youth Global Forum 2019
Mengurus sendiri kepergian ke Luar Negeri pertama saya Juli lalu, saya bergantung pada traveloka. Selain karena saya sudah berlangganan untuk memesan pesawat dan hotel jika bepergian dinas maupun wisata domestik sehingga saya mengumpulkan pundi pundi poin traveloka (maklum ibu ibu ya...) juga traveloka merupakan one stop website travel terbaik dan lengkap baik produk dan layanan. Waktu itu saya mendapat Tiket Pulang Pergi Surabaya – Chengdu dengan harga sekitar 5 juta dengan maskapai Singapore Airlines (waaaa, jiwa ibu ibu saya merasa puas), selain itu karena google di blokir di China dan aplikasi WhatsApp tidak terlalu bagus koneksinya, saya tidak mau gambling . Karena saya harus memastikan koneksi dengan keluarga dan anak anak saya di rumah tetap baik maka saya membeli paket internet roaming sekaligus di traveloka. Benar, saya tidak ada gangguan komunikasi sama sekali bahkan teman teman saya disana banyak yang meminjam hotspot saya. Saya puas sekali dan insya Allah yakin akan menggunakan traveloka lagi untuk perjalanan ke Amsterdam nanti.

Pada perjalanan ke Amsterdam bersama suami dan anak anak nanti, saya berencana pergi selama dua minggu, sekalian keliling beberapa negara Eropa lain niatnya hehehe. Selain tiket pesawat dan hotel, untuk memastikan kelancaran dan terwujudnya #Xperienceseru dan tercapainya itinerary yang saya susun, saya akan membeli tiket tiket lain sebelum berangkat dan gayung bersambut sekarang ada fitur traveloka Xperience diantaranya kita bisa membeli tiket atraksi, hiburan, lifestyle, transportasi lokal, dan tur pelengkap travel di destinasi tujuan dengan harga yang lebih murah (waahhh so hepiiii). Sebagai contoh salah satunya nanti kami akan membeli tiket canal cruise melalui canal di Amsterdam dan melewati bangunan dan landmark populer di amsterdam seharga 159,657 rupiah saja (yaayyy) harga ini lebih murah daripada membeli tiket on the spot. Fitur ini sangat membantu buat yang anti ribet  travelling club seperti saya mengingat saya dan suami akan travelling jauh dengan membawa dua balita. wahh ga sabar untuk segera berangkat 

Akhir kata dengan datangnya dua kesempatan ini, saya sangat yakin Tuhan selalu mendengar doa kita dan saya yakin jika beasiswa S-2 nanti membawa kebaikan untuk saya pribadi dan lingkungan, saya yakin Tuhan akan memberi kesempatan itu tetapi jika tidak semoga saya selalu dicukupkan dengan kebahagiaan dan rasa syukur atas semua yang sudah saya peroleh dari-Nya. Begitu juga jika ada teman teman yang punya cita cita seperti saya, jangan pernah berhenti bermimpi dan meyakininya. Tidak disangka cita cita sejak SD bahkan baru terwujud setelah saya menjadi buawa (ibu beranak duwa hehehe). Selain itu semoga pengalaman dan rencana bepergian ke Luar Negeri saya sudah sangat terbantu dengan traveloka dapat menjadi referensi teman teman semua. Selamat berperjalanan dan berpengalaman dengan bersama traveloka Xperience dan mendapatkan #Xperienceseru.

August 25, 2016

Swiss Belinn Tunjungan - Surabaya for a night

google pict

google pict.

I just back from my business trip yesterday, this trip was special because it held on Surabaya...
Oh that city, Ive been spent almost 4 years there and that city was so memorable...
Since nowadays, Surabaya has touched up by new government so that became prettier and nicer for citizen.

For my two days business trip, I have to stay a night at hotel then I choosed Swiss Belinn Tunjungan which is located in front of Tunjungan Plaza absolutely yes, if you know whats my plan. hahaha...
The room and bathroom was nice and quite large for single traveler, of course its clean due to this hotel just open several month ago. 
Similiar with another three star hotel, it has simple and modern interior. Most of rooms is faced to outside so each room has a wide open windows so its like looking a big landscape of Surabaya from inside, so beautiful.

In the morning, I had my breakkie with a crowded of guest there, the menus just usual like another. and its restaurant isn't large for occupied all guest. If you're not in a tight schedule, just take your breakfast at 9 o'clock.
For the staff, I give 8 from 10, yaa they are very friendly and good services.
I direct book from the hotel so the rate was IDR 750k, if you want any discount and promo, please book from mobile online booking sites.

I was missed to swim there though from website the pool looks so interesting. So this is a recommended hotel at Surabaya, I never hesitate to visit there again :)

August 12, 2016

Greenhost Boutique and Grand Zuri Malioboro Hotel Jogjakarta

Hello people,

So long pause for not posting here, just in case this will be a nice information for you I would like to share my experience for spending night and days there.
So happy because last month I had a business trip to Jogja, as I told it is a nostalgic city and it is located not so far from my hometown. So I can went there by bus. Just to minimize the budget hihihi.

So it is the right opportunity to bring enzo along those business trip. a big yay for this mother.
I also take my sister and brother there for taking care Enzo while I have to do some business things.

Greenhost Boutique Hotel Prawirotaman

One of social media hits hotel nowadays, so I have to spend there to enjoy the experience of simple, natural, green, and industrial-modern of interior and ambiance. It has a greenhouse at roof and a lot of hydroponic garden beneath a large glass roof, hydroponic vertical garden around the balcony for each floors. The nice lobby and exterior also describe their name as Greenhost. We also able to enjoy a nice pool and fitness centre there, its located near lobby and restaurant. So photogenic place. 

At the room, this hotel green vibes also can be seen by its furniture material which made from recycle wood and hotel soap is natural and handmade, sandals are better than another hotel. The room also a quite large, so this little toddler among us can run here and there.

Its located at Prawirotaman street which is known as Jalan Bule, a lot of foreigner stayed there, so it must be a lot of food, cafe, and nice scenery along those streets. But dont worry the price is also friendly for domestic tourist or budget tourist like me. :D 

For the breakfast menu, in my opinion various but nothing special. The friendly staff, the room, and the scenery just was 8.5 from ten lah, and at that time the rate only IDR 654 k. So recommended. 

May I visit there again with bapak instead? aamiin

Grand Zuri Malioboro Hotel

We have to left from Greenhost hotel due to my meeting was held at Grand Zuri. We stayed at Grand Zuri for two night. Having breakfast and dinner there was so help us to save money for shopping. haha...

For the room, we spend at superior room so it quite large for the fourth of us. bathroom also nice and hairdryer is set up there. We can enjoy fitness and swimming at the third floor. The pool was also special with glass wall so we can take underwater photos looks like. haha..

It was located so near with Tugu-train station , Malioboro street, Tugu statue of Jogja. Yap located at centre town so ease us to access wherever we want to. 

For the rate at first night I book online by Online travel agen for IDR 750 k and the second night I book directly to hotel and paid IDR 850 k for the same room.

Oh ya, for the coincidence Grand Zuri celebrate its anniversary at 25th of July. Just in case you want to travel at that date and get special promos.

Two nice hotel to spend with family. Just try fellas :) 

April 29, 2016

Ibis Trans Studio Hotel Bandung experience

Last week I had to assign a meeting at Bandung, again. I was glad but another city please heheee. That was my third meeting there, as a mention at other post I loved to explore hotel during business trip because that was the only way to heal my broken hearted separated from Enzo and hubby.

I choose Ibis trans studio over other because its location, It located so near with Trans Studio Mall, Trans Studio amusement park, besides you can find Trans Luxury Hotel at this cluster. Ibis was the budget hotel one right there. Since you know meeting which I attended was always till late, so it should be better if my hotel location near shopping centre, sometime shopping is a cure for this mama *pardon me hubby*.

I stay there for a night, at Thursday night. Due to it was almost weekend, the hotel had been so crowded. A lot of students groups, workers, etc. I had late checked in in 20.00 pm so I got smoking room at 20 floor, oh God. The room was so usual and rather small. I had a "zonk" again after when I want to use water heater to make a tea in the morning, the heater was dusty and I had to spoil a bottle of water due to I noticed that after I poured it into heater, heuheuheu
At bathroom you cant find, toothpaste and tooth brush but don't worry you may buy from minimarket located near hotel, the shower also so low rate of water and the water temperature wasn't easy to adjust.

After get prepared and ready to attend second day meeting, I down to restaurant to have breakfast. Wow, that was so crooowwdd, I wasnt taste all of the menus due to i wasn't in a good mood for eat.

After all, I don't recommend that hotel for finding a comfort and silent serenity or for hotel hoping. But for visitor who only stay there only for sleep, it has a very strategic location. Oh ya, that rate was IDR 838K.

Okay, happy finding hotel traveller :)

April 27, 2016

First long haul by car trip with toddler

Related to my previous post, heresome stories and tips about long haul land trip with toddler.

At 9 pm, My mother in law told husband and I that she would go there on family purpose. Yes, of course i was in when my husband said his count in. So after very quick preparation we went on early morning due to have to wait my sister came from surabaya at 12 pm. We went on 2.00 o'clock in the early morning. This little kid also so much exited i guess, he woke up at 10 pm and just back to sleep after we are in the car.

So here I brought for long haul car trip for tod :

1. Pillow, Mattress, or Carseat.
I prefer brougt mattress and pillow rater than carseat due to this boy prefer to. He prefer to sleep in front of me then he can nursed all the time he want to.

But just go along with your car seat if your kid love to sit beside his mama, its just OK.

Besides, mattres can be more flexible during "day" trip when my baby boy didn't sleep, it can be folded and not so spacy like car seat.

2. Daily Bag and Suitcase
I brought alot of bapak-ibu-enzo stuff though it was short trip. Just in case enzo got a carsick (but thank Alloh, he wasn't), his nappy, bath needs, cutlery, snack and milkies. Also a lot of tees for hubby who love to  changing cloth frequently. I put all in our big suitcase.

Remember that kiddo can have poop or pee all the time, I brought my daily bag just for enzo nappy, soap, powder, and telon oil also his carrier. Carrier used when its come to nap/ sleep time but we still visit a place.

3. Toys, Tablet, and Nursing
Tantrum during long haul trip (especially) is often happen due to he was in the boredom, so Ibu and family must be creative to "entertain" him to make fun activity like sing together, play with toys, screen time with tablet, and of course nursing. Thanks Alloh this breastfeeding always work to calm this boy and so do I of course.

4. Swimsuit
Since we plan to sleepover to hotel with a pool inside, of course because all of our family member love to swim. And also this toddler. I brought him several swimsuit. I just pray alot due to he just recover from selesma. And thanks Alloh again, he's healthy and happy. His big appetite during those vacation also made this mama so happy. 

For me and husband of course, make him and whole family happy is our goals. So, Alhamdulillah wasyukurillah Alloh make it easy, smooth, and all the tiredness can be paid by happiness. Husband and I also need some sweet escape just to freshen so we can go back to work on new mood. 

Another trip again husband?, please :)